Welcome to eio's Home Page.

For Teachers

Te Reo Dates
Sharpening the Saw
Lesson Plans
Physics Storeroom
Notes on using this site
For ... Whatever

Links - General
Links - Science
Links - Physics
Links - "In Transit"
What I think of teaching
Stripped down CV
For Students


New to this website, plus Hits & Tips

This is my personal website, it is devoted to helping me organise my working life as a science and physics teacher (geography too, if it wasn't in another department!). If any other teachers out there can get something from this site, I'll be really pleased.

All the views expressed on this site are my own and not necessarily those of the college I worked at (Rodney College) or of my past employer, the NZ Ministry of Education.

I refer to 'worked' and 'past employer' as I no longer teach for a living. So now, I have time to review this website of mine. I would like to keep it going as I would still like to share any teaching ideas I come up with. Although I have a lot of things to do, I hope to spend a bit more time on looking after this website.

If you know what you are after, use the links above, otherwise scroll down.

What's the thinking behind this site?

I have always wanted to use my website in my teaching. I was never really sure how to go about it though - you know, lots of ideas, but nothing to really hang them on. Now, I have a purpose, following talks with other teachers at various PD events.

The way was made clear through the recently acquired internet access in the teaching lab. I had found some useful animations, but found it a little awkward accessing them through "favourites". Accessing them through one website saves me hunting through "favourites", protects me if my laptop dies (I can access it through any internet connected computer), and of course, makes it available to others!

My ideal lesson - is a symphony in presentation, part chalk and talk, part OHP, part computer animation, part video clip. Moving seamlessly from one media to another, each building on the previous, and emphasising the targeted achievement and learning objectives.

Where the links go to

For Teachers
Quotations Everyday I write a new thought provoking quote along the top of my whiteboard. This is where I store a year's supply.
Te Reo Dates Along with my quote, I have the date in Te Reo.
Sharpening the Saw A list of reminders of what I need to keep in touch with in order to improve my teaching. When I go to PD courses, I come across some really neat ideas and suggestions, only to realise that I was told these when I trained, but have forgotten them in the meantime. The phrase "sharpening the saw comes from the book "7 habits of highly successful people".
Lesson Plans At the moment my lesson plans are on paper. But, rather than have a separate webpage for lesson plans, I'm putting them directly into the Science, and Physics Links pages. Later, they may end up in specific Topic pages.
Physics Storeroom Where all the physics equipment is stored. Eventually I'll have links to the worksheets that go with the apparatus!
Notes on using this site

For ... Whatever
Links - General I collect links to use in the classroom, these are general, non specific links.
Links - Science As science is one of my specialist subjects, this file has grown, and so I separated it from the General Links page.
Links - Physics As for science.
Humour You will be able to surf the net and get lots of school related jokes, however, these are from my own personal experiences. Names have been changed to protect the guilty, and of course you don't let the truth get in the way of a good story, so they may well have been embelished on the way.
What I think of teaching Not a bitching session, well, not much anyway, just my thoughts on teaching thus far.
Stripped down CV

For Students
Science An attempt to get a student friendly page going.
Physics Yet another attempt to get a student friendly page.
Scientists Just a list of scientists.
Geographers/Explorers Just a list of geographers/explorers, sparsely populated at the moment!
Revision Some hints and tips about studying towards and preparing for the final assessments (current buzzword/PC speak for examinations). Also included - links to other webpages on this topic. Remember "a journey of a 1000 kilometers starts with a single step, the sooner you start, the sooner you finish". Think carefully, you need to start organising your year from the beginning! (which in NZ is January/February).
Financial Probably the most important aspect of life that any student should be made aware of. Unless you do economics, you don't stand a chance. Actually you do, but it will be a whole lot harder, and it will depend on you actively finding out for yourself.

2005, Daryl Crosby
Last Update Sep 2021