You may be interested in the person behind the science. This is just a list, with few details. Most of this list comes from:
Balchin, J. (2003) Quantum Leaps: 100 Scientists who changed the World, also
Meduna, V. & Priestley, R. (2008) Atoms, dinosaurs & DNA: 68 Great New Zealand Scientists.
Scientist and sage, incorrectly (we now know) considered the inventor of the Pythagorean theorem. Not a Greek, probably born in Syria, influenced Plato.
Started as a Geologist, when he found Maori artefacts, he embraced Archaeology.
Buck, Peter, 1877 - 1951
Maori Anthropologist, Ethnologist, and medical doctor.
Buller, Walter, 1838 - 1906
First NZ born scientist to make an impact internationally.
Chilton, Charles, 1860 - 1929
English Zoologist, dux of Christchurch West School. He went on field trips despite having one leg amputated.
Cockayne, Leonard, 1855 - 1934
English Botanist arrived in NZ in 1881.
Cotton, Charles, 1885 - 1970
Geomorphologist born in Dunedin.
Curtis, Kathleen, 1892 - 1994
An expert on Mycology (the study of fungi), worked with Sir Theodore Rigg at the Cawthorn Institute. They married when he was 78, and she 74.
Day, Francis, 1891 - 1979
Genetisist, and Biologist, the sheep breed Perendale is named after him.
Guthrie-Smith, Herbert, 1862 - 1940
Naturalist who wrote about his sheep farm Tutira, north of Napier.
Hector, James, 1834 - 1907
Geologist (founded the Geological Survey of NZ) and zoologist (Hector's Dolphin!).
Hudson, George, 1867 - 1946
Entomologist, Astronomer, moved to NZ in 1881.
Hutton, Frederick, 1836 - 1905
Geologist, worked for the Geological Survey of NZ.
Maclaurin, James, 1864 - 1939
Chemist who graduated from Auckland University and worked on the cyanide method of separating gold from low grade ores.
Marsden, Ernest, 1889 - 1970
Helped Rutherford working on the structure of the atom. Became the first Secretary of the DSIR (Deptartment of Science and Industrial Research).
McKay, Alexander, 1841 - 1917
Geologist from Scotland, arrived in Bluff in 1863.
Moncrieff, Pérrine, 1893 - 1979
Ornithologist and conservationist coming to Nelson from England in 1921.
Peren, Geoffrey, 1892 - 1980
Agricultural Scientist, the sheep breed Drysdale is named after him.
Reischek, Andreas, 1845 - 1902
Naturalist from Vienna, arrived in NZ in 1877.
Riddet, William, 1896 - 1958
Born in Ayreshire, Scotland, Riddet was an Agricultural Scientist interested in Dairy farming.
Rigg, Sir Theodore, 1888 - 1972
Agricultural chemist, worked with Kathleen Curtis at the Cawthorn Institute. They married when he was 78, and she 74.
Thomson, James Allan, 1881 - 1928
Geologist, died from Tuberculosis.
Thomson, GM (George Malcolm), 1848 - 1933
Naturalist and MP for Dunedin North.
Bell, Muriel, 1898 - 1974
From Murchison, she worked on diets, especially for children.
Hayes, Bill (Robert Cecil), 1900 - 1977
Having seen Halley's comet in 1910, he was fascinated with Astromomy. His job at the Hector Observatory in Kelburn, Wellington, involved maintaining the seismograph, where he became an expert on Seismology.