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What can I say? - Welcome to my sense of humour.

You can easily surf the interweb thingy and download lots of school jokes. The ones of this page actually happened. They may well have been embellished a little!. Of course names have been changed to protect the guilty, in particular mine.

Start at the beginning. One of my students was finding it hard to follow my explanation, and asked me to start at the beginning. "Well!", I said, "in the beginning there was nothing, and then there was a Big Bang".

E=MC2, a most famous equation. One day I decided to explain it's relevance to my class. Energy and matter are two sides of the same coin. Energy can be converted into matter and matter can be converted into energy. One of the students took a look at my girth and said "wow mister, you must be really energetic". It took a long time for that student to walk again once the cast was taken off.

Shoulder length hair. One day I told my students that I used to have hair down to my shoulders. Of course they needed proof. As they were fund-raising for charity, I charged them for a peek of some photos when I was 19. It took some time and disbelief for them to believe that the hairy thing in the photos and yours truly were indeed one and the same. They all agreed that seeing the photos was worth every cent.

Graffiti Attack. The school had a graffiti attack. During one class, I casually mentioned that I was not involved as I hadn't done any tagging since I was last caught. Boy did that grab their attention. "Sir was caught tagging - Wow". I said that they knew it was me straight away. With waves of my arm I said "E = m c 2", and "V = I R". After much hilarity and rolling around the floor, they all agreed that for once I had told a joke that was actually funny.

Joking Teacher. "Was that a joke Sir?" "I don't tell jokes and I laugh rarely, giggling is an even rarer event".

My pen ran out! A student came up to me and said that her book had run out. So I asked why she didn't run after it! This conversation, or variations on it is actually a perennial favourite of mine.

Whaling: Here are my thoughts about Whaling - a very topical topic a year or two ago.

Speak Easy by Maggie Eyre: I once won a copy of Maggie Eyre's book "Speak Easy" - here is my entry.

Wanted! - Mature Male Teachers: This effectively sums up my experience as a beginning teacher, in a light hearted and affectionate caring sharing sort of way - This is my story.

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Last Update Mar 2011