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This website is soley designed to help me in my teaching, it is not to further my political ambitions, of which I have none, despite many teachers bailing out for a life of leisure.

Use any part of this website at your discretion (and peril), the lesson plans have been developed through pain, anguish, lots of coffee, and my teaching experiences. They may or may not conform to the current New Zealand Curriculum. They should not be seen as a panacia to any or all classroom and lesson planning woes without consulting an education professional first.
No, seriously, I have finally got my lesson plan template sorted in my mind. Each one will be an ongoing document. Differentiation is a new buzzword in education. I think my lesson plan format will enable my lessons to be adapted easily to Differentiation.

All pages are my own work, except where I have stolen, pilfered, nicked, pinched, perloined, plagerised other teachers/personages work. I do my best to credit or reference or link to the appropriate page. If you think I have contravened your own copyright, please let me know so that I can amend the offending page. I hope that you will forgive my transgression and allow me to continue to use the work, properly referenced of course.

The language used in this website is the Queen's English, like wot I speeks. If you have trouble reading this the chances are that you are young (i.e. stuck with txtng), or possibly from the USA and will therefore have difficulty in following the correct spelling and syntaxes.

All references in this website both living, dead, and imagined have nothing to do with me. I won't admit to knowing anyone on the grounds that it might incriminate me. I know that everyone old enough knows where they were and what they were doing when JFK was assassinated, unfortunately I don't have an alibi.

I further deny any reports of any physical cruelty inflicted on any student by myself. Although I do have various tennis balls in my lab, I have never, ever ramed any into the mouth of any student. What I do in my spare time is my business. Further, I have not used the cane, slipper, or thumb screws. No, never, no matter how much I wanted to.

e-mail eio © 2008, Daryl Crosby
Last Update Aug 08