The following pseudo-advert based on my true story basically sums up my experience and feelings as a beginning teacher. Don't get me wrong, the warm fuzzy rewards make it one hell of a job, but the unprofesional back-up leaves a lot to be desired.

How many companies do you know who will employ someone after an interview and background checks, and then start them on a janitor's salary whilst their salary department get up to speed? An acceleration so slow, it took months.

In my previous incarnation, whenever I had a pay problem, all I did was phone the salary department. It would be sorted then or shortly after. In fact my last job would actually e-mail me back and ask if I wanted the missing money straight away or with the next pay. Now that is professionalism!

"Mature Male Teachers Wanted"

New Zealand needs more mature male teachers in teaching, especially those with good qualifications, and careers built in a profession outside the education sector.

As befits our pressing needs, you will no doubt expect us to make it easy for you, and welcome you with open arms - well, no!. It's hard being a teacher, and we don't see why you should find it any easier. In fact the more obstacles we put in your way, the better teacher you will be in the long run, assuming you stay.

If you think that the teaching profession is under-paid, think again, a mature teacher with an MSc, and 20 years relevant work experience will certainly be surprised to receive the most generous starting salary of $ 24,526 per year, yes, very nearly $ 25,000 per year. "Is that for real?", I hear you ask, I am proud to say "Yes!", I think you will have to admit that such amounts of money for someone with your qualifications and experience is quite astonishing. We are keen to get new teachers into low decile schools, and you will find that there should be one or possibly two families who earn less than you!, and that will certainly be a big boost to your esteem.

Join the PPTA and your subs get deducted from your next pay, no checks needed. Say you have a student loan to pay back, and the money will fly out of your salary before you can even blink, again no checks because we trust you. After all you had to pass a Police check or two to get on your teacher training course, and your first job.

Want to be paid for your qualifications as soon as you start?, want to be paid for your work experience from your first day? Are you nuts? Quite possibly, giving up a good career to become a teacher certainly raises concerns in our minds about your mind. There are all sorts of checks to be made, papers to be pushed, tape to be red, you are looking at weeks, months even. So don't bank on being able to afford a holiday at the end of your first term.

Look on the bright side, once we have assessed your salary you will receive back pay. This is certainly something to look forward to as you will no doubt have built up a large mortgage during your years in industry, and then struggled financially through teacher training and the ensuing job hunt. Oh, and maybe the first term or two of teaching!, especially if your position is over 200 km away from where you live.

Want to sort it out before you get a position? What do you think we are? Don't forget, we are a government department with all manner of rules that must be followed to the absolute letter. We cannot sort this out before you get a job, oh deary me no!, You might not even get a job when you graduate, not when the principals return from their overseas trips with experienced teachers coming out of their ears. In fact after your sections, you might not even want a job! Then we will have wasted valuable time, doing what we, er, do best, and we cannot have that! can we?

What's that, you thought we wanted mature male teachers?, no! that's just our advertising slogan!

"Mature Male Teachers Wanted"

The End

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Last Update Feb 2008